Monday, November 29, 2010

Veteran's Day Weekend in Fayetteville, North Carolina 2010

 At Tammy's house, you can expect to eat gourmet.  Both Robert and Tammy are wonderful cooks! Here is my Sunday morning breakfast; homemade crepes, fruit, steak, eggs, potatoes, grape juice.  I literally ate like a queen!
Even the cheese in my grilled cheese literally melted in my mouth and the variety of fruits was amazing together!

 We went to Church together at the Spanish Branch.  I enjoyed trying to understand the service in Spanish.  Afterwards, I verified my knowledge with Robert.  I understood some messages right, some dead wrong!
 Right before I left, I enjoyed posing as a biker babe on Robert's beautiful Harley
 And I really enjoyed the real biker babe (Tammy Clere Ortiz) giving me a ride on her beautiful bike!
 Robert and Tammy.  It was cute.  He told me he got the cookie out of the cookie jar with her!
 Lynn and Tammy had a deal with this recumbent bike.  She got the bike, he got money for a new TV
Unfortunately, it has a gazillion pieces to put together!
 A determined, happy Tammy!
 Robert fixes me an authentic Puerto Rican lunch;
 Beans, Rice , pork chops and
 amazing fried plaintains!

I loved our bike-ride on Saturday afternoon. 
 This is their Maltese---Tuffy, in his cool riding glasses!
Tammy and Robert Ortiz

Tuffy, Tammy and I

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Our “New Arrival” Wednesday November 17, 2010

He loved the TV he won in 2006 for carving a pumpkin for a commissary Halloween Contest.  He won for carving President George Bush
Dad loved the television he won in the commissary pumpkin carving contest of 2006.  He carved President George Bush.

But, out with the old!  Here he is giving the old TV "the boot!"
But, out with the old---this T.V. lasted ironically until Dad's 51st birthday of September 19, 2010.  So, it's out with the old as Dad gives his former beloved T.V. "the boot!"
I have to add my goodbyes to our old HD television set.  Afterall, I helped Dad win the set by providing pictures of the pumpkin lighted in the dark!
I had to have the area for the new television vacuumed, and was about to do it, but Dad volunteered and used the shopvac to clean it`
A more flattering view of your father1
Did you say 55 inch?
Did you say 55 inch?
In case the 55 was hard to see...
In case the 55 was hard to see...
Tony, one of the installers with our new TV stand.
This was one of the T.V. installers setting up our new cabinet first.  His name was Tony.
Lynn gets close to viewing Heaven!
Dad gets close to viewing Heaven!
Our new arrival is here!
Lynn and Melody loving their "New Arrival!"
Such a proud moment for us!
Here, Lynn and Melody are loving each other!
The proud "parents!"
We watched Alias together.  This was the tail end of it.
What an adorable baby!
On the very day we got our "new arrival" of the television set, Connie gave birth to this aweseome new arrival to our family unit--Hyrum Anthony.  He was born Wednesday November 17 at 7:01 a.m. and weighed 7 pounds one ounce.  He was 19 and 3/4 inches long. He's petite for now, a real beauty of a boy! This is the "new arrival" that Dad and I truly love! 

Friday, November 26, 2010

Milly the Pinkest Kitty

enter to win Milly the Pinkest Kitty on Smart and Trendy Moms.