Sunday, February 21, 2010

All Hail the Birthday Queen! Wednesday February 17, 2010! (Sufficiently Spoiled at 47)!

It has been Mike’s tradition to get me a new pair of running shoes for my birthday.  Look how perfectly they match the running outfit he also got me in 2008 for the Iron Girl Race in Tempe, Az. with Anne and Connie!  Yes, I actually did run as well this day, but all the running shots were too fuzzy to blog!  I love running!
Finally Saucony’s! They were always a wish unfulfilled because of their price, but I am impressed by them!  I may run forever in them!
And on the days when I cannot run, Dad got me “Zumba”  some latin dance workouts that really works the abs---watch out, soon you can dance on mine since they’ll be as hard as a dance floor!
These Zumba sticks are like weighted maracas!
So these previous pictures were taken on the 15th and 16th of February.  My actual birthday, I got up and went to visit a seminary class over at the Mt. Vernon Building on the Potomac River.  The car was not running so I hitched a ride over with the High Councilman over Seminary.  This all happened between the hours of 5 and 7:40 a.m.  Back at home, I took Molly for a walk and finished getting ready for work at Drew Elementary School here in Arlington, Va. A lady at work gave me a ride to school and when it was time,  I walked home, first passing the Shirlington Post Office so I could mail off a letter to Perris in Spain!  Yup, so far, it’s been a pretty consistent two letters a week, and one email, so I am glad for that!
I also left my cell phone at home inadvertantly so was pleased when everyone called at once when I did get home!  I talked to Anne, Michael,  My Mom, and Connie and Tony  Here I am talking to Anne and Mike at the same time! (But not for long, I didn’t want to be rude to either of them).  Anne got off the phone quickly after that, so Mike could talk longer since she and I had been gabbing awhile by the time Mike called--yes that is still snow outside our window!  It hadn’t reached above freezing all week!  BRRR!  DSCN0805
I opened a present from Anne---a beautiful big purse!
But, that wasn’t all, It had a card and a small box inside!
The card was signed by all in their little family; Anne, Silas, Everett, Xander and Clara (who happens to be quite advanced for her wee age of three months---she wrote her name in cursive!  In fact it looks like all the kids are writing in cursive (I couldn’t expect anything less)!
Inside that box, there was a necklace with four charms with initials on them.  Anyone want to tell me what A, C, M, P means?  I think it means CAMP---All of you want to go KOA Camping, right---that has to be what it means! (Ha, Ha, Ha)!  Let’s plan it!
Brody signed a card in cursive too!  There’s a card from Connie, and some money.  In the memo section of the check, she wrote Visit Me Happy Birthday since I told her I would specifically use the money for that purpose!  I can’t wait!
Grandma Dorothy Nelson sent me a card with a promise of home grown oranges!  I cannot wait!
My Mom sent me some money and some sentimental words and a picture of myself from the 7th grade!
Now it is time for the first evening of my 47th year!  Before we began, I opened Lynn’s card and gift!
Molly was also part of the festivities at home since she is rarely three feet away from me and sometimes just at my feet!
She saw me open this:DSCN0849
And wear my crown which unfortunately was attached to the card so I had to wear it like this only:DSCN0851
I also printed off Perris’ Birthday email to me and had Dad take this picture:
Feliz Cumpleanos!
Now enough of the at home festivities!  Let’s party out!  Without a working vehicle, these were our wheels!DSCN0816
We decided to party at Potomac Yards!  The idea was to go to dinner and a movie, but my first stop was here:
Afterall, since the car has been down, we don’t get out this far from home and I needed to get this:DSCN0819
The most important being some printer ink so I can continue my picture letters to Perris and occasionally you all!  Notice I did not remove my coat!  It was a cold, blustery night!
Next, it was time to eat dinner.  We ate here:DSCN0820
I took advantage of Fajita Wednesdays and got them for $8.99.  The ribs I added for $4.99.  Yup, I took half of it home and ate the rest Friday night since three plates of food for one person was probably more than enough food!  It was yummy!  That is lime in my water.  I have discovered I like lime, but not lemon in my water.DSCN0825
Dad did not want to take this picture, but I forced this date picture since it was my birthday and I was Queen for the night!  (Hey, he gave me the card that is the title of this blog)!DSCN0821
We were seated by the fountain and that was neat! This night they were also making fresh tortillas and I made Dad snap a picture, but he only got this:  (There is a lady behind the tortilla press, but she moved every time Dad attempted a picture! ) DSCN0822
Since it was my birthday, they gave me this on the house:  Fresh, yummy Sopapillas!  I love Sopapillas!  Dad even shared with me even though he doesn’t like honey because they tasted more sugary than like honey.  I loved them, and I think he did too.  This was my “birthday cake!”  DSCN0826
Next we headed to the Regal Theater to see When in Rome,  I picked the movie!  Here I am walking to the movie!  I am trying to go fast because it is soooooooooo cold outside.  BRRR!  Wanna join us????  DSCN0828
Then I remember that the snow will soon melt because we have rain in our forecast so, I have to take a picture in the snow!  I am not afraid, I have those nice snow boots, after all!  That was the best buy of the season! I have worn them almost non-stop since January 15th!  DSCN0827
I forced Dad to take this picture with me, prior to the movie.  He was less than thrilled, but did it!  Happiness and Sunshine is written all over his face, isn’t it?DSCN0837
I tried “posing” for lots of shots by the promo poster, but the only one that turned out due to lighting was this one:
Unlike Connie, I do take pictures inside the theater, especially when we are the only couple on a Wednesday Night to go!  (Well almost only---right before the movie started one other couple came in)!  DSCN0840
It’s a National Guard Commercial!  It’s a new one and a good one!  This should be our family motto:  I will Never Quit!DSCN0847
Hooha American Soldier!
Here, my hand is up talking to Mike before the movie starts (and before that other couple came in the theater)! 
The credits are rolling and I enjoyed the movie and recommend it as a cute date movie.  I am glad I was with my handsome date for my 47th Birthday!
0’ I almost forgot, earlier after I mailed the letter off to Perris, I walked to Harris Teeter’s and splurged on some cherries ($5.99 a pound).  Dad had some and I had some.  After all, I believe that Life is a chair of bowlies or Bowl of Cherries whatever the case may be!     I love you all and thank you for making my birthday (month) extra special!DSCN0857

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sabbath Day Services/ February 7, 2010

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It was this world of white that caused our Stake to Cancel all church services two weeks in a row.  As a result, our Bishop authorized all Priesthood Holders to hold church in their own homes.  This was our Sabbath Day!

We began by taking this family picture!  I am so proud of Molly for posing for the camera!  Here we were in our church clothes, for Dad it was the kind he used to wear in Bolivia on his mission.  Next to me are Perris’ old seminary scriptures which I use now!
After Dad’s welcome, my prayer, and my song on the guitar (which I haven’t picked up since last July), The Itzy, Bitzy Spider, Dad announced that we should keep a history of this epic snowstorm (which he did in the letter he just mailed off to you all), and then after partaking of the sacrament, we watched an old conference address by President Uchtdorf about Love.  It was awesome!  I love you all.  He said in a nutshell, that Love needs to be the motivating factor in all we do!  That was it for Sacrament meeting.
For the Sunday School portion of our meeting, we spent close to 2 hours trying to get our ox out of the mire, ie,, digging our way out of the snow (and didn’t completely finish doing the car)!
It was slow---one shovel full at a time, but together we were successfully weathering the storm! (Pun perfectly intended)!
We started with a car that looked like this!
Our first few shovels full of snow got it to look like this!
And soon enough, got it to look like this!
We even managed to knock down this pile to a respectable size
And were hopeful that this guy might assist removing the rest
So, we stopped with the car when we saw this
And this great pile that we contributed to!  (Talk about satisfaction, and sore shoulder muscles)!
Next it was on to our front patio, so Molly could walk out without sinking
down!  First Lynn clears a path, and then I scoop off Molly's doghouse!  We 
are on a roll!

I find the bottom of my barbecue and realize that my $20.00 investment lasted for the summer only!  Notice the fence slats through the hole in my barbecue---and I was going to so barbecue that night!  
Soon enough, Molly has her own ideas---here she is going in her doghouse (she normally hates her doghouse)!

She emerges with this, and I realize then that she simply wants to thank us for clearing her patio of the snow!


So, we do this!
And this!
And true to her personality, she does this!
Also true to her nature, she doesn’t tire of this game very easily!DSCN0302
So we repeat this again!  She was so happy and vibrant!
And Satisfied that we had gotten our “ox out of the mire” sufficiently, we ended our Sunday School with this picture!
After this, we took our Sunday nap, and then resumed our Priesthood and Relief Society Meetings by writing letters to you all that we mailed off yesterday.  Dad also went to check and see about that guy we thought might dig our car out the rest of the way.  Did he do it?
No, but he pushed the snow around sufficiently until he built DSCN0333 a nice 6 plus foot high pile at the edge of our driveway!
O’ well, gotta love him!  President Uchtdorf reminds us all of that!  I loved our Sabbath Day spent at home!