Saturday, August 7, 2010

If ye are prepared…Doctrine and Covenants 38:30/ Thursday August 5, 2010

Thursday night the 5th we had a wicked storm that caused massive power outages around here (that are still being rectified in some areas), including to us. Many, many trees were down or highly damaged.  Here is how we coped:DSCN2163

I went out storm and all in the rain and cooked all our perishable foods---I made hamburger helper, bacon, sausage, 3 cheeseburgers, and even made a pot of vegetables for health!DSCN2165

Honest, I did!  I also figured that the last time you saw me cook on this burner on the barbecue on the 4th of July, I showed FRENCH FRIES, so I had better show the HEALTHY STUFF.  Life is all about balance, you know!DSCN2168

Perris went to pick up Dad with his newfound (again) Virginia Drivers License!  They just awarded it to him this day after the 3rd try!DSCN2172

We ate dinner by candlelight!  I gave the hamburgers to Dad and Perris and had the hamburger helper and vegetables for myself.  DSCN2176


I got the flash to work (with Perris’ help)!DSCN2162


Molly was unscathed by the storm, but enjoyed the rest of the Hamburger Helper!  That made her night!  As for us, Dad and I went out later to  to replenish our supply of D and C batteries, and most of the rest of Arlington had power!  Ours remained out for about 6 hours, and in that time, Perris reminded me of his Temple Recommend Renewal that night at the Stake Center.  It was 9:00 when we left  for that with the power still out, but DSCN2240

by the time we returned home at 10:00 p.m., they were on and your father was waiting for us.  He said the lights had been on for about 1/2 hour by the time we got back. It was nice to get back to power, and I was grateful that I had an alternate cooking source that night, even though it was in the rain!


mike said...

yeah there are so many little things in life that we take for granted until we lose power and running water and what not. way to be prepared! Love ya. stay safe in that crazy va weather....72 degrees and sunny here...just thought I would rub it in since we have the better weather ;)

wholesouls2 said...

Yeah Mike! Thanks for the compliment on the preparednes---I also learned that I should probably invest in one more lantern that requires D batteries and have a lot more batteries on hand. The battery powered radio/lantern, etc I bought years ago, proved to be ineffective (it died), and my cell phone had no internet and I couldn't call out then. The house phone was not working either. I think it would be wise to invest in a generator since so much of what we do depends on power. Also , I would definately have a radio on hand of some sort. We were out of the loop on the updates of the storm. So, even though the barbecue helped in the preparedness issue, there was still more I needed. Lessons to all! Love, Mom

ConnieB said...

I think it's cool you were prepared- so important! I love you guys!

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