Well, of course, it is only right that I blog about this momentous occasion! And, of course we all agree that we couldn’t be prouder of our son and brother for having such a successful mission to Bilbao, Spain! Congratulations to Perris! Please enjoy these first few days back!
I am a firm believer in re-usable signs! I believe Connie made this one years ago, please correct me if I am wrong!
Here I am waiting by the window, sign in hand of the flight that we had listed on the itinerary as bringing Perris home, flight 1938 from Atlanta, Ga! The window was HUGE and we could have easily walked by him to the exit gate! We so wanted to and thought that would be a lot of fun! We waited, and waited, and waited; finally, the entire plane was empty of passengers! No Perris! So, we went to baggage claim,---definitely No Perris! How could we have missed him? We came back up and saw a small backpack on the back of a well dressed, missionary who was obviously Perris walking away! I yell, “Perris!”
“How could we possibly have missed you”, we query? He informs us that he actually arrived on Delta flight 5923 coming from La Guardia Airport in New York! He had one itinerary and we had quite another! New York, and Atlanta are just a few miles away from each other! Just lucky thing both itineraries were on the same day and same airport, and within 45 minutes of each other! Here we are welcoming him to Washington Reagan Airport in Alexandria, Va.

The Reunion! We loved this moment!
Baggage Claim!

Dad helps Perris with his load!

Perris talking to Mike in the elevator; I’m thrilled to have him back with us in the United States again!

Loading up “Esmerelda” our new jeep as of Saturday June 12th, 2010---coincidentally enough the same day as Perris’ last baptism in Spain!
Immediately we drove to President Sheldon Bradshaw’s house so Perris could be released. He lives in Alexandria, Va.
Me with President Bradshaw’s wife, Corrine, and their 5 year old daughter, Reagan. Corrine gave Annie a double stroller when they were here in 2008! That whole family is good people. Reagan let me play with her Disney Princess dress up magnets while we waited for Perris!

Visiting with President prior to the releasing! You will notice his missionary tag!

Perris with President after his releasing as a missionary---no tag!
One last picture with President Bradshaw outside his home!
You will see these three people next week!

I personally love these pictures Perris took of Molly! Too me, they look so “puppy-like” despite her 16 years! (It must be her spirit)!
The 30th was family day for the G-3/5/7, where Dad now works as a LTC Colonel. He started working for the G-3/5/7 on the 15th of July as a Major and as of the 16th was notified that he had moved up in rank to LTC! He will be pinned in a ceremony at the Pentagon this Friday the 5th of August. This party was held at Ft. Belvoir. Enjoy the pictures!

This drill team performed---the group above flipped their weapons!
We saw a demonstration by police dogs!

This guy didn’t stand a chance! Good thing he was wearing a padded jacket and that it was just a demonstration! His arm would have been torn to shreds otherwise!

We ate: burgers, chicken, beans, potato salad, chips, watermelon, etc. and had lemonade

We had a nice time at Family Day!
Next we went to Clothing Sales where Dad purchased his new rank---that would be silver for a Lieutenant Colonel!

Perris took these pictures outside the PX at Ft. Belvoir!

Eating dinner at Shane’s (the rib place Dad and I love)!
I love fried okra (but I also love pickled okra)! So that was the end of this day---we already shopped for shoes for Perris at Potomac Mills since I threw away his old tattered ones, upgraded his cell phone---it was high time after about 6 years of the same phone, and lastly went to the Hoffman 22 to see “Salt.” We have plans to see “Inception” (it was sold out this night), and “The Other Guys” (due out Friday).
Finally for this post, the long awaited day of Grandpa Nelson’s baptism and confirmation took place at the Washington, DC Temple in Kensington, Maryland! The feeling was incredible! In addition to Conrad Benjamin Nelson, your Grandpa Nelson, we did Nils G. Johnson who is Conrad’s Great Grandpa on his father’s side, your Dad’s Great, Great, Grandpa, and your Great, Great, Great, Grandpa on your Daddy’s side! We did his wife up until initiatories---Her name is Elsie Olson. Additionally we did one of our German relatives ---Helene Drissl who is a one child of my Mother’s Grandmother. We are on our way to linking hearts! Enjoy these pictures!

Welcome Home Perris! You helped the Lord save souls in Spain and now you continue doing it with your family here! Again, it was truly fantastic. I bore my testimony regarding it yesterday, and Perris did also. Truly indescribable, except to say—Incredible, and Miraculous! I look forward to the 14th to share that feeling with each of you in the Redlands, Temple in California as we continue the work for these family members!
Okay mom, maybe it's the pregnancy but I bawled like a baby looking at this post. You all mean so much to me- and I too, am so happy to have my Perry Berry back! (I think mike made that sign, btw). He looks so great and I can see a glow in his face that I haven't before. I love this. I'm also so happy dad is COLONEL and grandpa is baptized! I CAN'T wait to see you guys in a week! And I'm VERY excited for the temple. I love you guys so much
So sorry Mike, for not giving credit where credit is due, it was just well done, so I thought Connie did it! I love your comment Connie---we love you too! Love, Mother
ok so I got to the sign and skipped straight to the comments to say that I made it....looks like you beat me to the punch though. Guess i'll get back to reading the blog and looking at the pics
Ok so first off, I know ive always sucked at everything but geeze mom "it was just well done, so I thought Connie did it" did you have to say it like that?
To Connie: no waterworks here...I think its the pregnancy.
I love the pic of molly licking the window!
Cool guns!
Dont eat too much of that fried okra or itll clog your arteries
and finally good pics of the temple...I love that temple. (seeing as that is where I went my first time)
Love you all (yes all) and welcome home perry-berry.
Mike, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. You don't suck at everything---your art work amazes me---look at the spiderman paper mache that I have kept, and other things--it is just that I wouldn't have expected you to draw hearts and such, but I am glad that you did! I promise I won't eat too much artery clogging food---bring on those Texas pickled okra! Perris captured Molly really well! Love, Mom
Yeah connie no waterworks either. you must be pregnant. :) Perris Welcome Home! I'm so glad you made it overseas and (through your mission) that is a huge deal!!
I love that pic "add your own caption here" I think perris is saying "hhhheeeyyyyyyyyy" haha and molly is a little puppy dog. cute. you guys sound like you are having way too much fun.
and mom good job on the photos, I felt like I was there! I think I counted 56. but that's a piddilly amount though for you!
Only 56? I only shared a few! See you in a few weeks! Love, Mom
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