Dad gets pinned by General Ierardi (pronounced earardi---I asked him for the proper pronunciation). The rank goes on his chest and hat---I pin his hat. It is a black colored oakleaf on his camoflauge uniforn, and on his hat, it is a silver oakleaf. Perris handed the rank to the General and is watching here.
Shaking hands with the General. Actually, the General is very nice. He took the time to meet with Perris, Dad and I separately in his office prior to the ceremony! He even asked us the names of all of you guys who weren’t able to come and he wrote them down! I asked about his family---it was a nice visit.
Dad taking his oath of office!
Dad gets his chance to say a few words:
He’s a natural at oration and making people feel welcome, and does very well. I’m so proud of him!
Then he does something totally unexpected on my part! He thanks me and presents me with these beautiful roses! Our home teacher remarked that I looked like a “beauty queen” carrying these roses! I want World Peace….
It’s a gift certificate to “Best Buy!”
A Father/Son Hug---I try to capture these whenever Dad hugs Mike or Dad hugs Perris---It’s one of the most beautiful things to me!
We are called up to form a reception line for people to thank Dad. I ask for a family picture and get this!
So we try again! Much better, I think!
And again! It’s a little dark, but it’s us together! Afterwards, everyone had a bit of lunch---Perris and I had gone to get Subway sandwiches in Shirlington that morning, and Dad had already made arrangements for the drinks and chips. Colonel DeGuzman talked to me about getting our families together, though at this point living in Virginia, that would be just Dad and I visiting his family and their two young sons in Gainsville, Va., since you all are on the West Coast!
Later, Dad showed Perris and I his cubicle.
Perris fits right in---he’s in charge now!
That’s our home teacher with Dad---Randall Epperson---He said the invocation at the pinning ceremony and was influential in helping Dad get promoted and is generally just a good guy! His office, where they are is at the juncture where the plane hit the Pentagon that fateful day of September 11, 2001. He also gave Dad a coin with the date he got officially made a LTC---July 16, 2010. It is shaped like the Army Staff badge. It is a really nice gift.
Randy explains the green windows, and explains the memorial out below his window.
I try to capture as much as I could.
This was the design concept facing his office.
0’ Randy Epperson is not a man without connections. He works for the Assistant Secretary of the Army. He also gave us a tour of the building, and took us to the office of the Chief of Staff—General George Casey Jr.
I’m looking at a picture of Korea in General Casey’s office. Your Grandfather Conrad B. Nelson served during this war.
The flag by Perris shows all the battles the United States has been in---Revelutionary War and up. You can make out ….Surge 2007-2008. Each battle ribbon is distingushable by the color of the ribbon. Vietnam was green and yellow.
The Chief of Staff of the Army has a lot of cool memorabilia in his office including this badge for being on the Army Staff, It was designed by General Douglas McArthur when he was Chief of Staff of the Army in the 1930’s. He was over the Pacific Theater.
Though not as big, your father received one of these for being a part of the Army Staff during Operations Enduring Freedom and Noble Eagle in 2003!
This globe belonged to General Dwight D. Eisenhower and the red pen shows where he thought Germany would extend after World War II, the war your Great Grandfather , Leo Ray Jensen, served in.
More memorabilia---A sword from Saudi Arabia!
We learned that after 9/11 the Pentagon received such an outpouring of quilts of concern, that they now have a warehouse devoted to housing them all and they rotate them for hanging in the hallways.
These are just a few of the many we saw.
Before we leave, I ask Randy to take one last picture in his office of us. Since it is the place the plane came down in 2001, I think it is an appropriate place. Afterall, Dad came here to the Pentagon on our 20th anniversary, August 25, 2002, specifically because he wanted to help with the war on terror. It changed all of our lives that day. I think it helped us all progress from spectators to participants. You all do your part well, and I thank you for it!
Afterwards, we came home and Dad and Perris enjoyed some video games, some 24 and we went to dinner at the Lone Star.
These are the plates we have on our car now. Dad earned this Bronze Star for his service in Iraq during 2007-2008! I have one amazing husband and you have one amazing Dad! Congratulations LTC Lynn Andrew Nelson!
Great post mom- I felt like I was there. Which is nice because I would've WANTED to be there. Dad is such a hard worker he was already Lt. Colonel in my mind but I'm glad it's official! I think it's cool he gets to sport that bronze star on his license plate too. I miss you guys so much I can't wait to see you! And mom, you are a beauty queen!
Oh and I was going to say I love the line about going from spectators to participants. Well said
And I think dad was right to award you and Perris too- I think both of you deserve something since you were both always right there with him and since both of you were affected by the move more than anyone else in the family! I love that you both were so supportive and went with dad happily when he found work out there that means no excuses on why dad cant buy me something really nice with his extra cash flow. just kidding but congrats to dad on his long over due promotion. Thanks mom for sharing this. It means a lot to those of us who dont get to be there.
It's fun to see both of you comment so quickly. And thanks for the depth of your comments. You 2 birthday kids mean a lot to me. I wanted to get this post out before we leave for our trip in the morning. Love, Mom
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