Snow? Sure enough! Most every December 5th around here it snows. At least it did in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009! Of course, it leaves us the next day or day after, but at least it snows!
Annie made me that bear and wreath. There is a different hand painted item each month. I like the wreath. It 's so Christmasy and always stays fresh from year to year!
Here Dad is with "Sandie" our car, ready to go Christmas tree hunting and DVD hunting! It's a snowy/rainy/icy kind of day! Absolutely Perfect for putting one in the Christmas mood!
You can tell Dad doesn't enjoy taking pictures, but we're renting Twilight so it had to be memorialized!
We went to Ft. Meyers and Christmas Tree shopped. Yup, that's snow on my lense and on the rooftop of the place!
"Snow is Falling All Around" (Sounds like a song doesn't it)! I had to get this picture! This historic moment is Lynn and my first ever Fraser Fir. It's a beauty! Lynn normally only likes artificial trees, but because I told him that Connie is visiting this year and she loves real trees, he gave in (Connie has him wrapped tightly around her little finger no matter how far away she lives)!
It's wrapped up and tied down to our car for the Long trip home!
Binging the tree in! We brought it in together! I changed juackets to look nicer for the picture! Bad idea! Our tree was soaking wet thanks to the rain and snow!

It's up and the final netting is coming off!
Molly the Red-nosed Reindog! (Costumes on dogs just never work the way you want them to---0' well!)
I love my tree! There's no bad side to it! It's pretty all around!
O' Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Thy Leaves are so Unchanging!
I am the first to comment! imagine having snow in DC at Christmas!
I WANT IT TO SNOW!! At least while I'm there.. not before or when we go to leave because that makes airports that much more insane. That is so crazy it snows on Dec 5th like that! You are awesome for keeping track (:
What else... OH! Thanks Dad for the real tree!! (: Hooray! I have never heard of a "Fraser fir" I can't wait to see it! AND- if you guys rented Twilight you shouldn't have let dad cover it up with Terminator! Haha! Mom I love that you have a blog- it's so great to see these pictures and read whats going on with you- cause we don't always get the same stories on the phone!
Love you parents!
Can't wait to see it in person I mean.. the pictures look great! I love that it was snowing when you picked it out! How romantical...
(i know what i said :)
It truly was Romantical and I am totally keeping your word and now claim copyright! Love, Mother
P.s. That is funny about Dad and terminator!
you two are so silly...
I love 'Molly the Red-nosed Reindog' good one mom! looks like you have just as much fun dressing her as I do my girl! haha!
Yup, Sure do! Love, Mom
First it has to be said that dad has lost some manly points for watching that outrageously faggy movie "twilight" (and you have to say the name with a high pitched voice and a wrist cock).....geeze...yuck....ok i better move on. anyways, molly has never, i repeat NEVER made a good reindeer....but I think its funny that we don't stop trying. poor dog if I was her I would pull the tree down! And finally, yes mom, everything that forms a complete sentence sounds like a song....well, as long as your around it does.
Mike, I wasn't aware that Dad loses manly points for watching Twilight. Afterall, it has vampires and wolves in it---that's pretty manly, right? And lastly, I will keep trying to make Molly a Reindog at Christmas-time and she would never even think to try to pull the tree down---afterall, that's your job! Love, Mother
Mikes comment cracked me up. HAHAHA!!!
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