I love family pictures. I mean, I really love family pictures. Here is the family picture taken this year on Christmas Day. It was truly magical to have Michael, Tony, Brody, Connie, and Lynn be “home for Christmas” this year.
Santa was really good to all of us this year!
Lynn ended up with a few Arabic study manuals! Go Jed Rock!
This came in handy to the UCLA vs. Temple game held December 29th at RFK Stadium here in Washington DC. It was 29 degrees when the game started and in wind chill, that was 19 degrees! It was about 4 degrees colder when the game ended. BRRR. UCLA won 30 to 21! Go Bruins!
As usual, Connie picked the warm sweater out at Aeropostale. (Christmas Tradition and Christmas hit---especially this year in chilly DC)!
Brody rakes in the gifts this year! Mostly Brody got cars from Disney Pixars Cars and also a tag reader system from Leap Frog.
Intently playing with his car !
That’s Brody’s “Cars” play-tent Brody is playing in. It’s also an activity center where Brody can kick a soccer ball into, throw a basketball into a hoop, and golf, etc. Naturally, he is a natural at it and takes to it like a duck to water! Presenting future Athlete of the Year, Brody Michael Balluff!
We discovered that Brody loves Candy Canes!
“Candy Cane?” became Brody’s way of asking for more!
Head Chef and Barbecue Master Tony gets a barbecue tool set complete with personalized Monogram from Williams Sonoma! We’ll be expecting great barbecue when we come to
visit Arizona in the future Tony!
Connie and Brody in front of the Yule Log on Christmas Day opening part of Brody’s Tag Reader System!
Christmas Crepes ( Eaten before opening presents, I might add!)
Ornament from Mike! I got one too and love mine!
Ask Connie how I ended up keeping these jeans! It’s a cool story!
I got Pink Soothing Body Lotion!
All of us got to talk to Perris in Spain. This picture of course, is Connie having a conversation with him—she here at our condo in Arlington, Va and he is far-away Spain.. We even called Grandma Nelson and Anne and Silas’ Family in California and they talked to him too! How truly magical it is to have a Missionary out at Christmas-time proclaiming the gospel. Perris even shared
his testimony with me before he hung up. If ever there were magic moments, this would be them! Thank you Perris!
After we finished talking to Perris it was time to eat Christmas dinner. I had three different types of meat, A Smithfield Smoked Ham, a Pop-eyes Cajun Turkey and a beef tenderloin. And there the family is enjoying Christmas dinner.
After dinner, I went to see New Moon or “Twighlight 2” with Connie and Tony. I so will be seeing the 3rd one! Brody stayed with Dad and Mike doing manly man things until we got home! Thanks to Michael, Tony, Connie, Brody and Lynn for a very Merry and Magical Christmas 2009! I love you all!
Great post mom!! What a fun trip- I wish we were still there partying it up. Maybe next time we come we'll know to plan a longer trip. Thanks for everything- I can't wait to blog about it.
Actually, I didn't get mike a sweater from Aero- I did at first but then found a better one at Dillards for him.
So I'm curious, how long did this post take? Are you liking the new program?
Also, if you want to make pics bigger click on them and drag out the corners to resize. If you want the pictures centered you have to create a space in between the words and the picture- click on the picture and find the button that allows you to center it. There's just some more tips for ya! Love you mom! We had BLAST!
Thanks for the tips Connie. I was a wondering! I found the corner maker and the size thing, but the medium was too big, so I just stuck with the small. It took me longer to blog than it should have, but a lot shorter than usual thanks to the program. The pictures happen quicker. Thank you for this. I have so much more to blog, so keep checking back. Mike's still here until Saturday, so I don't know how much I can get done before then (need Mike time too , you know), but if he's sleeping and I'm awake, then I'll be here a sharing! Love, Mother. P.s. I wish you were still here too!
No, like I said you can pull the edges of the picture (if it is clicked) you'll see small boxes that you will click in and use to drag. That way you can make it any size- you don't have to click on small medium or large... those are just suggestions.
I'll check back!
thanks for everything we had so much fun!
You are so welcome Tony---we had fun too. Hey Lynn has until the 15th to use the one month subscription to XBoX 3360 live. I know he would love to play with you. Just let him know when! Love, Momma Nelson
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