Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lynn’s 51st Birthday

IMAG0085IMAG0087  We went on a 5 mile walk on Saturday morning,  ate dinner at Outback Steak House on Friday, drove to the mall and laughed at and tried on  funky Fall fashions on Saturday evening (Dad got a new I-Pod Nano), bought  frames for Dad’s Army awards, and rented videos later Saturday night, and finally his actual birthday arrived on Sunday, September 19, 2010.  I made  a homemade breakfast of French Toast, we went to church, took a nap and I made him dinner.  Only then  was he able to open presents from Connie,  Tony and me.  I got him “stuff” for his Droid phone and Connie and Tony got him cool music---Jon Schmidt from Connie and Hans Zimmer from Tony. In summary, Dad’s birthday was wonderful’; made even more wonderful by the sacrifice and phone calls from his children and sacrifice of his wife.  (That last sentence was almost a direct quote from Dad!) Thanks everyone!

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ConnieB said...

Good job mom you got it working(;

Dad!!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday- I wish I could've been there. I hope you liked our gifts- I wish it could've been as much as you guys gave me. Thanks so much for being a great dad and loving me! I'm very lucky to have two wonderful parents. I love and miss you both dearly!

Melody said...

Dad is at Priesthood Session of Conference, but I can tell you that he loves you and your family immensely, and is proud of you. Thanks for helping me post this blog. All the pointers help a lot! Love, Mother

Anne said...

Hey connie said it best. but yah I really wish I could have shared your birthday. I hope despite our lack of a gift, you still felt loved. miss you both!

JED said...

Thank you girls, I had a great birthday. I am now glad it is all over. :) I miss you guys too and wish you were here. I love my kids and am proud of you and your families.

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