It was this world of white that caused our Stake to Cancel all church services two weeks in a row. As a result, our Bishop authorized all Priesthood Holders to hold church in their own homes. This was our Sabbath Day!
We began by taking this family picture! I am so proud of Molly for posing for the camera! Here we were in our church clothes, for Dad it was the kind he used to wear in Bolivia on his mission. Next to me are Perris’ old seminary scriptures which I use now!
After Dad’s welcome, my prayer, and my song on the guitar (which I haven’t picked up since last July), The Itzy, Bitzy Spider, Dad announced that we should keep a history of this epic snowstorm (which he did in the letter he just mailed off to you all), and then after partaking of the sacrament, we watched an old conference address by President Uchtdorf about Love. It was awesome! I love you all. He said in a nutshell, that Love needs to be the motivating factor in all we do! That was it for Sacrament meeting.
For the Sunday School portion of our meeting, we spent close to 2 hours trying to get our ox out of the mire, ie,, digging our way out of the snow (and didn’t completely finish doing the car)!
It was slow---one shovel full at a time, but together we were successfully weathering the storm! (Pun perfectly intended)!
We started with a car that looked like this!
Our first few shovels full of snow got it to look like this!
And soon enough, got it to look like this!
We even managed to knock down this pile to a respectable size
And were hopeful that this guy might assist removing the rest
So, we stopped with the car when we saw this
And this great pile that we contributed to! (Talk about satisfaction, and sore shoulder muscles)!
Next it was on to our front patio, so Molly could walk out without sinking
down! First Lynn clears a path, and then I scoop off Molly's doghouse! We
are on a roll!
I find the bottom of my barbecue and realize that my $20.00 investment lasted for the summer only! Notice the fence slats through the hole in my barbecue---and I was going to so barbecue that night!
Soon enough, Molly has her own ideas---here she is going in her doghouse (she normally hates her doghouse)!
She emerges with this, and I realize then that she simply wants to thank us for clearing her patio of the snow!
So, we do this!
And this!
And true to her personality, she does this!
Also true to her nature, she doesn’t tire of this game very easily!
So we repeat this again! She was so happy and vibrant!
And Satisfied that we had gotten our “ox out of the mire” sufficiently, we ended our Sunday School with this picture!
After this, we took our Sunday nap, and then resumed our Priesthood and Relief Society Meetings by writing letters to you all that we mailed off yesterday. Dad also went to check and see about that guy we thought might dig our car out the rest of the way. Did he do it?
No, but he pushed the snow around sufficiently until he built
O’ well, gotta love him! President Uchtdorf reminds us all of that! I loved our Sabbath Day spent at home!
The dog appreciated our efforts. You forgot to mention how she peed several times as we dug out the patio. We have to dig it out again since it snowed almost as much today (10 FEB 10) as it did on Sunday. Poor dog.
I love the pics of molly....she looks like she is in her element in snow pictures....eventhough we know that's not the truth....I hate digging snow
You guys are funny... good thing you are both in good shape for all that hard labor!
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