So, tonight there was a Service Auction at the Crystal City Ward Relief Society here in beautiful, cold sleety, and rainy night Arlington, Virginia January 21, 2010 and we earned points to bid on items that others donated their service to. We earned points through various service points that were pre-printed on a piece of paper.That’s the paper and paddle I used to hold up to bid. Hey, I got 5 points for each kid I have! Sweet! That was an easy 20! (makes me wish I had 4 more kids or the 9 kids Valeria Saunders has)! There were also 41 other ways to gain points to use in the auction. I got 10 points just for saying “I love you” to your father, and 5 points for talking on the phone with Connie earlier today. Anyway. my grand total of service points was 297 and there were 50 various items or services to bid on. By far, the item I had my eye on the most was this beautiful skirt for Clara (size 12 months), and that is the item I bought! Other ladies bid on it, but I wasn’t going to lose it to them, so I spent my wad!!!! Lucky Clara! Grandma can’t wait to come visit later this year and watch her toddle around in it! Of course, before now and then, there will have to surely be matching shoes, and top, and hair bow, etc! The lesson from this post to one and all is that God rewards the good deed doers, and go hug someone today—It’s National Hugging Day! Don’t let the opportunity skirt by ! (I crack myself up)! Sending out this hug for all! Love, Honey, Mother, Grandma Nelson, Momma Nelson and anything else you want to call me (as long as it is good)!
Why didn't you get points for grand children? Aren't they worth more than five points? Cute skirt. It just won't fit me. LUB BAR
There's no skirting the issue Bar, the dress belongs to Clara! Luv, Honey
you would spend your whole wad on one item! thats one thing that i will never understand about women.... you would think that one could afford more than a solitary item with almost 300 points! oh well i guess if its what you really wanted.......... but golly....anyways i dont hug strangers.....aids is rampent here so i guess i miss out on national hugging day but it must not be that great of a holiday if ups is open on it. haha good post. Love you mom
It's adorable and I can't wait to see clara in it! thanks for spending all your points on us!
That is soo cute! I can't wait till I get my sewing machine and I can make stuff like that (:
Mike, I am sorry you missed out on NHD on the 21st. If I were in California, I would so have driven to you and hugged you! By the way, I don't think the United States Postal Service is in on it--I just found it on "this day in history, January 21st". And as for me spending my whole wad on one item---I was merely Serving others and allowing them to have other chances to bid on items! Besides, it was worth it to bring home that skirt! When you see Clara toddle around in it, you will know why women do what they do! Love, Mother
Connie, That cake is a 8.00 Walmart Special. I was soooo proud. I wish they did a nicer job of the writing, but for 8.00 what do you expect? As for men and picture taking---give them a heads up and then remember to ask their permission. About the only time we really fight is when I take pictures he's not ready for. (I don't know why he still doesn't know me) but that's the reality of it. The exact number of pictures also helps! 0' what caption would you give the whole blog. I am thinking of sending a prize to the winner. So far it is Anne since she is the only commentor on that thus far! Love, Mother
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