Aw, the simple joys of childhood---the olive on the finger! I am thankful for that and...

I am thankful for having family come to enjoy Thanksgiving with us! Thanks Connie, Tony, Brody and Hyrum!

I am thankful for Hyrum and grandchildren that are truly thankful! He even clapped at eating this dinner!

I am thankful for Ice Skating at Pentagon Row and experiencing Brody's first try at it!

I am thankful for family that will pose when you want a picture!

I am thankful for bowling and Brody's first time at it! I am thankful that Hyrum wanted to get into the action!

I am thankful for having simple family fun!
And for happy things like lollypop turkeys and grandkids that enjoy them!

I am thankful for seeing Hyrum enjoy himself

I am thankful for seeing Brody in action and for hearing his delight as he knocked down the pins!

I am thankful for Brody's Turkey creations. He made them by himself!

We were all thankful for lunch from Ho's!

I am thankful for new high chairs and having adorable grandchildren to fill them!

I am thankful for Hyrum's 1st birthday and the joy of family playing together!
I am also thankful for Jed Rock and Brody having T.V. time together!