We went to Church together at the Spanish Branch. I enjoyed trying to understand the service in Spanish. Afterwards, I verified my knowledge with Robert. I understood some messages right, some dead wrong!
Right before I left, I enjoyed posing as a biker babe on Robert's beautiful Harley
And I really enjoyed the real biker babe (Tammy Clere Ortiz) giving me a ride on her beautiful bike!
Robert and Tammy. It was cute. He told me he got the cookie out of the cookie jar with her!
Lynn and Tammy had a deal with this recumbent bike. She got the bike, he got money for a new TV
A determined, happy Tammy!
Robert fixes me an authentic Puerto Rican lunch;
Beans, Rice , pork chops and
amazing fried plaintains!
I loved our bike-ride on Saturday afternoon.
This is their Maltese---Tuffy, in his cool riding glasses!