As part of our Veteran's Day salute, as you can see from the first picture, Dad and I got to attend the American Freedom Festival at the Patriot Center here in Fairfax, Va. on Saturday November 7th. Country star Phil Vasser, who hails from Lynchburg, Virginia, Lee Ann Womack, from Jacksonville, Texas, and Eddie Montgomery and Troy Gentry from Kentucky performed for us.
This is Phil Vasser---He was my favorite and had a lot of American Spirit and music, and Connie would have loved his piano playing, and his piano!
It was a beauty!

I was so happy to be able to see her graduate!

Really, I have always loved Veteran's Day (probably because of the Knott's Berry Farm Tradition) but I wanted to make it more meaningful by learning more about it. Hence, Dad and I taught our Family Home Evening Group about Veteran's Day (my part) and Thanksgiving (Dad's part), and Dad even gave a trivia test on all holidays to the group which is now officially called YAH and stands for, Young at Heart, instead of our old title of Empty Nester's (Don't laugh)! Anywho, just like any kids during family night, our group wanted to get rewarded for their knowledge, so not having anything to give them that night---I promised brownies and chocolate chip cookies to give them today and I worked this morning and got it done. I have to admit, I tried both and they are some of my best treats I have ever made, thanks to Grandma Dorothy Nelson. I simply used the McCall's Cookbook she gave me years ago. It has scads of wonderful recipes in them. It may take me awhile, but I am going to try most of the recipes in the 785 page book over time. When you visit, expect me to use a recipe or two from the book. Here are the treats I am giving away today!

Now for the part of the blog that you have been waiting for: Your sweet pet and mine: Molly!
We took her to South Paws here in Fairfax, Va. which is off of the 50 and she had a 2:30 appointment with Dr. Norton, on Veteran's Day, Wednesday November 11, 2009. While waiting, Molly, like any inquisitive child, loved to look out the window. Afterall, there was lots of neat "stuff" to see. When the doctor came in to talk to us, shortly thereafter, he said that her spindle cell tumors would continue to grow and open up and bleed (like they were doing) unless they were removed. He was honest and said that if he did operate, he probably wouldnt get it all because of the type of tumor it is; it wraps around everything, but he did say that it is a good chance that even though they will grow back, they probably won't grow back aggresively and at a rate that would matter to Molly. He remarked that she would most likely die of other causes related to age, other than the tumor, when it was her time to go. Next, she had chest x-rays to see if she was healthy enough for surgery and to see if the tumors had spred. Luckily, they had not, so, I felt that the only humane thing to do for Molly was have the doctor operate and remove her lumpiness! The next morning, Thursday, I brought her in before I had to leave for work, and the next day, Friday, Dad and I picked her up at 6:15 p.m. to take her home. Here are some before and after pictures.

Now for the part nobody anticipated--- When she first came to us, she looked kinda', well... horrible! She really couldn't walk by herself,( I had to be taught how to carry her), and she had a gash from her surgery site that I just measured and (it is over 7 inches long)! But, even with all that, you could tell that she was happy to be back with her "parents" (Dad and I).
Content to be with us!
Daddy giving her sufficient love and support!
It is now 7:40 p.m. This marks exactly 2 days since she has been home from surgery and today, Molly has made great progress. She has a better appetite than she did yesterday and actually can walk a bit from room to room. (She followed me in here (my bedroom) all by herself, and struggled and succeeded in picking herself up when she tripped in the kitchen). She can't go up and down any stairs yet, (not even the little ones), but I am going to work as hard as I can to get her to be somewhat independent in that by the time Joe (our dogwalker) comes to walk her Friday. She does improve daily, so I am encouraged. Well, all good things must come to an "end" and I have to admit that Daddy really thought this one had a great "ending!" Hope you do too!